Frequently Asked Questions

Attrition is a major effect for cultural fallout. It hits the profitability of any company, when workforce becomes irreplaceable and the cost of replacement equals that of 4 to 6 months salary of the outgoing employees. This hits profitability and equity value of the shareholders. There are multiple reasons for attrition but the biggest factor is the Toxic environment. Only if people are HEARD and ACCEPTED this environment can be changed and attrition can be reduced.

Culture is a binding block of any organization. It can drive things or can bring about a complete halt of execution in any company machinery. Quiet quitting, Work from home and Introduction of GenZ have increased the importance of culture building in any organization. CULTURE act as a cement for cohesion of distributed workforce.

This new age knowledge economy, human resource is going to play a major role. As people become more irreplaceable, attrition will become the most important factor in shareholder’s valuation as it has a direct impact on the profitability of the firm. The new era of Work From Home, Hybrid working and Fully remote companies has shifted the importance of a bond that the employees need to feel to have a cohesion with their organization. CULTURE building will play the role of that bond which keeps employees stick to the purpose of the enterprise. The influx of GenZ and the growth of communities for likeminded people in the form of Tribes further reiterate the importance culture building in today’s corporate world.

Measurement of culture is important to be able to track it and look at its affect directly or indirectly on company growth. Like anything worth measuring, it will have some variables and values. It can be measured by assessing employee engagement through
- Employee Satisfaction Polls
- Sentiment Analysis
- Feedback Mechanisms
- Candidate expressiveness
- Feeling of being heard
- Feeling of being accepted

An organization can work on Culture only if it’s able to measure it. Culture is driven from the top; however it may develop loose ends when hierarchy increases and different power points are created in it. If employee value proposition is not worked upon then employee engagement weakens leading to deterioration of culture. With focus and initiatives, culture can be worked upon for betterment.

A Culture Index is a numeric value for the overall culture which exist in an enterprise. These are based on understanding and unification of 9 cultural values that has been derived from MIT study. These Cultural Values which comprises of overall Cultural Index are – Agility, Collaboration, Customer, Diversity, Execution, Innovation, Integrity, Performance & Respect.

Yes. It will denote gravity of the deficit/absence of a cultural value. More negativity will denote worseness of the value.

ToxIn is Toxicity Index which shows the amount of Negative environment which persist in an organization. Major contribution to the toxicity index are those cultural values which cretaes a non-productive environment in any organization. These are Disrespectful, Non inclusiveness (Disability, Racial, age, Gender inequality, nepotism, LGBTQ), Unethical, Cut throat and Abusive, based on study from MIT.

Culture OS can measure 9 cultural values :
o Agility
o Collaboration
o Customer
o Diversity
o Execution
o Innovation
o Integrity
o Performance
o Respect

The system allows an individual to express themselves and participate in any conversation in a complete anonymous manner. This eradicates the fear of expression caused due to official reprimand. Our system understand the context of the simple conversation which is OPEN and subjective in nature through NLP and classify them into 9 cultural buckets. Which overall provides the Cultural Index. This also provides the most “trending topics” on which most of the people are talking about so that can be acted upon and hence culture can be improved.

Anonymous mode is used so that people can express themselves fearlessly without worrying about any official reprimand. This enables them to talk freely about their likes, dislikes and amendments that they need to make them feel more inclusive. Employees will also feel empowered and that their VOICE matters to their organization.

Unless we empower the employees to form their own culture, attrition cannot be reduced and culture cannot be formed. This can only be done if we bring transparency in the culture building process. Hence there is ONLY one type of user in the system. Everybody sees the same thing and knows what everybody is talking and feeling about the company at any point of time, without any filter.

Culture OS can measure the culture of an organization, there by assessing how conducive or carnivorous is the culture for employees. This will lead to assessment of employee happiness and retention rate. Culture OS will lead to lower attrition rate over a time.

No. CultureOs is a product build with a specific purpose to reduce attrition and build an inclusive culture within the organization. Hence specific customization is not possible. However because it is hosted on cloud whatever updates are there in the product gets reflected to the end user on real time.

Searching through keywords and hashtags can be done on threads, topics and conversations.